Tuesday 10 – Reese Speaks; 10.8.13


This Tuesday I choose another blogger who inspires me.  The blog Reese Speaks is a fun collection of uplifting posts, insights and lighthearted fare.

On the site the first thing you learn is…..  Who is Reese Speaks?

I’m Reese, and this is my blog I’ve named Reese Speaks. Who is Reese Speaks, you ask? Well, I’m a woman who likes to share what’s on her mind about things that I like doing, sharing my experiences and hobbies, capture what happen on the reality shows I like watching, or give my opinion on news stories I’ve watched.

Reese Speaks is a good read, light, easy and uplifting…. thanks Reese for responding to the Tuesday 10!

1)Excluding family members, who inspires you?  Famous People – Maya Angelou, Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Aretha Franklin…people who spoke through their work.  Non-Famous People – My friends who create with their hands or their minds.

2)What is your guilty pleasure?
It’s a toss up between books and chocolate.3)If you were to write a book, who is one person you would want to list in the acknowledgements and what would you say?

Mandy, my big sis.
To my sister, Mandy, you are my compass.  Thank you for being there for me every step of the way, even when you didn’t want to go (the bridge incident).  I wouldn’t be who I am without you.
4)What is your favorite sandwich?
Peanut Butter and Banana.  So salty and sweet!5)What is the best professional advice you ever received?
Look at all of the possibilities before you make a decision.

6)As a child, what was your favorite bedtime story?
Charlotte’s Web.  As a kid, I read novels, and this book was one of my favourites!

7)Who is the first Presidential candidate you ever voted for?
I’m Canadian, so for me, the first Prime Minister I voted for was Paul Martin.

8)What is the one career achievement you are most proud of? My first reader on my blog.  It meant I was doing something right!

9)If you could spend the day with any fictional character, who would you choose and why?
Too many to choose from!  If I had to choose right now, it would be Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series.  I know, a kids series, but I loved it!  He is such a fascinating character.  I felt that JK Rowling could do a series just on him.  I have a lot of unanswered questions for him (or JK Rowlings) about his life that were not answered in the series.

10)What is the best meal you ever ate? My boyfriend’s chicken madras served with basmati rice and naan bread.  Sooooooo spicy and delicious!

4 thoughts on “Tuesday 10 – Reese Speaks; 10.8.13

  1. Reblogged this on Reese Speaks and commented:
    Hey Readers!

    This is the first, hopefully of many, features someone has done on me!
    Notes from a Southern Kitchen (notesfromasouthernkitchen.com) is also an amazing blog you should check out. You’ll find great features, amazing recipes and music picks, as well as inspirational Words to Live By. Please check it out!

    Thanks, again, Notes from a Southern Kitchen!

    Until my next post, Readers!


  2. Pingback: Short Notes – 10.8.13 | Notes from a Southern Kitchen

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